World organic accreditation board. Your trusted partner
Leading Accreditors Since 2001
WOAB Affiliations
WOAB isn’t at this point a section/signatories of IAF, ILAC or IPC. There is no particular need for enlistment of these trade affiliations that are usually non-benefit
appropriating business affiliations.
In result of public awareness of this subject, WOAB is dispersing this course.
Our position stays under steady review.
WOAB works in excess of 65 countries and across a wide extent of permit types. Inside each certificate type, industry region, country and locale, there are countless open affiliations, affiliations and private confirmation plans. We are every now and again asked “Is WOAB a person from X capable body?”. We ought to be specific, for the most part the administrative capacity and interest expenses to stay aware of these affiliations would debase our fundamental jobs of significant worth affirmation.
Various overall affiliations, as IAF and ILAC are private associations that are laid
out with no other dispatch or authority than to function as non-benefit scattering business
affiliations. They have no really dispensed status, (for instance, what is alloted
to Joined Countries Associations or the Worldwide Money related Asset) nor is there any legal essential for their people to be people.
Notwithstanding, WOAB see that enlistment has helps explicitly the credibility and
regard that such affiliations could have created in the business place, in spite of the
reality that these benefits might be personal and are financially resolved factors.
At time of dispersion, IAF multilateral affirmation plans were set up with only 56% of
countries in the world and ILAC MRAs set up with 55% of countries in the world. WOAB feel
that to preclude the bigger area of the planet approval bodies from quality affirmation and
securing plans doesn’t reflect the inspiration driving overall standards like ISO.
WOAB exceptionally regard being truth be told uncommon without being exorbitantly administrative. We
offer permit to ISO standards and other non-prohibitive plans. We study similitude assessment
bodies (Taxis) to the normal standard and simply the standard, instead of extra compulsory reports
that private interest bodies force on Taxis. These additional essentials serve basically
nothing motivation to chip away at quality affirmation.
Worldorganic accreditation board
WOAB Head Office
Worldorganic accreditation board (WOAB) WOAB House C/O Mr.Garry 54, Glengarnock Avenue, E-14 3BP Isle Of Dogs, London UK Tel .: +448369083940 email: info@Worldorganic.us Website: www.worldorganic.us
MUMBAI Head Office
Worldorganic accreditation board (WOAB) WOAB House B-401, New Om Kaveri Chs. Ltd ., Nagindaspada, Next To Shiv Sena Office, Nallasopara (E) Tel .: +7499991895 email: info@Worldorganic.us Website: www.worldorganic.us
DELHI-NCR Regd. Office
Worldorganic accreditation board (WOAB) WOAB House Asaoti, Dist Palwal Faridabad Delhi NCR , Haryana Tel .: +91-7979801035 Fax: +91-250 2341170 Website: www.worldorganic.us